ガザのども250にん UAEでの治療延期ちりょうえんきに ゴラン高原攻撃こうげんこうげきへのイスラエルの対応たいおう
2024-07-29 16:00:03
Anonymous 01:07 30/07/2024
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ガザのども250にん UAEでの治療延期ちりょうえんきに ゴラン高原攻撃こうげんこうげきへのイスラエルの対応たいおう
label.tran_page Treatment of 250 children in Gaza postponed in UAE as Israel responds to attack on Golan Heights


label.tran_page It has been learned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has postponed plans to send children injured in the Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip to receive medical treatment overseas.

label.tran_page On the 28th, 250 injured children from the Gaza Strip crossed the border with Israel by bus under the supervision of the World Health Organization.

label.tran_page They were then supposed to go to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from an airport in southern Israel to receive treatment, but Prime Minister Netanyahu postponed this plan and the bus carrying the children had no choice but to return to the Gaza Strip. It means that

label.tran_page Future plans have not been disclosed.

label.tran_page The postponement is said to be in response to a rocket attack on the 27th that killed 12 people, including children, at a soccer field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

label.tran_page Israel claimed that this attack was carried out by Hezbollah, a Shiite Islamic group that collaborates with Hamas.