えい ども刃物はものつぎづきされる 2人死亡ふたりしぼう 9にんけが 17さい少年しょうねん身柄拘束みがらこうそく
2024-07-31 10:30:26
Anonymous 07:07 31/07/2024
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えい ども刃物はものつぎづきされる 2人死亡ふたりしぼう 9にんけが 17さい少年しょうねん身柄拘束みがらこうそく
label.tran_page UK Children stabbed one after another, 2 dead, 9 injured, 17-year-old boy taken into custody.


label.tran_page Two children were killed and nine others were injured in a series of stabbings in the UK, with police taking custody of a 17-year-old boy.

label.tran_page According to local media, a man stabbed a child with a knife in Southport in central England on the 29th, leaving two dead and nine injured, six of whom are in critical condition.

label.tran_page Two adults who tried to help the child are also in critical condition.

label.tran_page Local police announced that they had detained a 17-year-old boy and seized a knife believed to be the murder weapon.

label.tran_page Police believe that the boy committed the crime alone and that the incident was not terrorism-related.

label.tran_page At the time, a dance and yoga event for elementary school students was being held at the site, so children on summer vacation gathered there.

label.tran_page King Charles and his wife released a statement saying they were ``deeply shocked to hear of this extremely horrifying incident.’’