近視きんしども 2ねんあいだに40%から50%にえた
2024-08-01 16:20:00
Anonymous 05:08 03/08/2024
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Anonymous 00:08 02/08/2024
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近視きんしども 2ねんあいだに40%から50%にえた
label.tran_page Children with myopia: the number increased from 40% to 50% in two years.


label.tran_page The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology checked the eye health of approximately 5,200 elementary and middle school children from 2021 to 2023.
label.tran_page This is the first time that they have consecutively examined the eyes of the same children.


label.tran_page The percentage of children with myopia, a condition that makes it difficult to see objects far away, was 40.8% in 2021, but increased to 50.3% in 2023.
label.tran_page Among a group of children in the first grade two years ago, 12.4% were myopic; by the time they reached third grade, this figure had risen to 35.8%.
label.tran_page An increasing number of children are becoming nearsighted at a young age.


label.tran_page It seems that children are more likely to become myopic if their parents are myopic or if they spend a lot of time studying or reading books.


label.tran_page Experts say, ”It is necessary to be careful from a young age to avoid becoming myopic.”
label.tran_page ”It is important to play outside and avoid looking at close objects for long periods of time.”