AIに子どもの手紙を代筆させるCM、批判受け撤回 米グーグル
Google withdraws commercial dad lets AI help children to write letters because of receiving criticism
Google withdraws commercial dad lets AI help children to write letters because of receiving criticism
Google has announced the withdrawal of its controversial Olympic commercial.
Google has announced the withdrawal of its controversial Olympic commercial.
The commercial was criticized online as an example of a brutal application of artificial intelligence (AI).
The commercial was criticized online as an example of a brutal application of artificial intelligence (AI).
The commercial in question featured a father using Google’s generative AI Gemini to have his daughter, who admires U.S. women’s track and field athlete Sidney McLaughlin and write a fan letter.
The commercial in question featured a father using Google’s generative AI Gemini to have his daughter, who admires U.S. women’s track and field athlete Sidney McLaughlin and write a fan letter.
However, a number of voices questioned why we were replacing children’s creativity with words written on a computer.
However, a number of voices questioned why we were replacing children’s creativity with words written on a computer.
The commercial aired in the US during a break from Olympic coverage, and Google initially said it was aimed at showcasing Gemini’s ability to provide a ”starting point” for writing letters.
The commercial aired in the US during a break from Olympic coverage, and Google initially said it was aimed at showcasing Gemini’s ability to provide a ”starting point” for writing letters.
However, Google announced on the 2nd, ``Although pre-broadcast testing went well, after receiving feedback, we have decided to phase out the feature from Olympic commercials.’’
However, Google announced on the 2nd, ``Although pre-broadcast testing went well, after receiving feedback, we have decided to phase out the feature from Olympic commercials.’’
It was a big mistake for google
It was a big mistake for google
Google positions Gemini as a product that competes with the open AI ChatGPT, and is looking to incorporate AI technology into a wide range of products, from Google Search to Gmail.
Google positions Gemini as a product that competes with the open AI ChatGPT, and is looking to incorporate AI technology into a wide range of products, from Google Search to Gmail.
There are growing concerns that AI could take away creative jobs such as writers, musicians, and visual artists, and this commercial highlights these concerns.
There are growing concerns that AI could take away creative jobs such as writers, musicians, and visual artists, and this commercial highlights these concerns.
A similar backlash arose earlier this year over Apple’s promotional videos.
A similar backlash arose earlier this year over Apple’s promotional videos.
こちらの動画はペイント缶や楽器、彫像など、人類の創造性の象徴が巨大な液圧プレス機に押しつぶされ、「iPad Pro」に取って代わられる内容
In this video, symbols of human creativity such as paint cans, musical instruments, and statues are crushed by a giant hydraulic press and replaced by an iPad Pro.
In this video, symbols of human creativity such as paint cans, musical instruments, and statues are crushed by a giant hydraulic press and replaced by an iPad Pro.
Apple quickly apologized, saying it ”missed the mark.”
Apple quickly apologized, saying it ”missed the mark.”