コーヒーがらしコンクリート強度きょうど30ぞう 環境問題かんきょうもんだい改善かいぜんにも期待きたい
2023-09-18 07:10:03
thokai01 03:09 18/09/2023
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コーヒーがらしコンクリート強度きょうど30ぞう 環境問題かんきょうもんだい改善かいぜんにも期待きたい
label.tran_page Coffee grounds increase concrete strength by 30%, also expected to improve environmental issues


label.tran_page Coffee that is loved and drunk by many people
label.tran_page Normally, water is required in addition to sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete, but by converting some of the sand into biochar, water can be efficiently retained, increasing the strength of concrete by about 30%. about it

label.tran_page Most of the leftovers from brewing coffee are thrown away as garbage.


 ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学こうかだいがく ラジーブ・ロイチャンドさん:「酸素さんそのない状態じょうたいで(がらしを)焙煎ばいせん(ばいせん)し、非常ひじょうていエネルギーなプロセスでコンクリートとの適合性てきごうせいたかめる方法ほうほう開発かいはつした」

label.tran_page In recent years, the depletion of sand due to continuous mining has become a problem, and the research team believes that in addition to reducing waste, replacing natural sand with coffee biochar can also be expected to improve environmental issues.

label.tran_page However, a research team from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Australia noticed this scrap and used it in concrete.

label.tran_page A research team at an Australian university has discovered that mixing coffee grounds can increase the strength of concrete.