女性じょせいDJ被害せいひがいうったえ 男性だんせい2ふたり大阪府警おおさかふけい出頭しゅっとう
2023-08-24 07:10:02
Anonymous 01:08 24/08/2023
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女性じょせいDJ被害せいひがいうったえ 男性だんせい2ふたり大阪府警おおさかふけい出頭しゅっとう
label.tran_page Female DJ sexually assaulted. Two men turned themselves in to the Osaka Prefectural Police


label.tran_page It turned out that two 20-year-old men had turned themselves in to the Osaka Prefectural Police in connection with a Korean female DJ who complained that the audience touched her breasts at a music event.

 韓国かんこくのDJのDJ SODAさん今月こんげつ13にち大阪府泉南市おおさかふせんなんしひらかれた音楽おんがくイベントに出演しゅつえんしたさい複数ふくすう観客かんきゃくむねなどさわられたとうったえていました

label.tran_page Korean DJ DJ SODA complained that when he performed at a music event held in Sennan City, Osaka Prefecture on the 13th of this month, several audience members touched his chest.


label.tran_page The event organizer filed a criminal complaint with the Osaka Prefectural Police on suspicion of indecency and assault against three men and women whose names are unknown.


label.tran_page On the afternoon of the 21st, it was discovered that two 20-year-old men had turned themselves in to the Osaka Prefectural Police in this case.


label.tran_page The police will analyze the video of the event and investigate the relationship between the two.