スペインのナイトクラブで火災かさい 13人死亡にんしぼう5不明ひとふめい 屋根やね崩壊ほうかい捜索難航そうさくなんこう
2023-10-03 07:10:02
Anonymous 04:10 03/10/2023
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スペインのナイトクラブで火災かさい 13人死亡にんしぼう5不明ひとふめい 屋根やね崩壊ほうかい捜索難航そうさくなんこう
label.tran_page Fire at Spanish nightclub leaves 13 dead and 5 missing; roof collapses, making search difficult


label.tran_page At least 13 people are dead and 5 are missing after a fire breaks out at a nightclub in Murcia, southeastern Spain.

label.tran_page According to local media, a fire broke out early on the 1st at the Fonda Milagros nightclub in Murcia, southeastern Spain, and the fire spread to two adjacent nightclubs.

label.tran_page As a result of this fire, 13 bodies were found in the ruins of the Fonda Milagros, which is believed to have been the source of the fire, and 5 people are missing.

label.tran_page The search is said to be difficult due to the roof collapsing.

label.tran_page Multiple witnesses testified that ``the building was filled with smoke and flames, and many people were trapped.’’

label.tran_page Nightclub fires in Spain killed 81 people in Madrid in 1983 and 43 in Zaragoza in 1990.