2021-09-18 07:10:02Z
Anonymous 18:09 18/09/2021
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label.tran_page Password-free login, now available with Microsoft services


label.tran_page Microsoft announced on the 15th that it will introduce a ”passwordless account” option that can be used by all users in several popular services such as ”Outlook” and ”OneDrive”.
label.tran_page This option has been available since March for corporate accounts


label.tran_page The company explained in a blog on the 15th that ”it is now possible to wipe out passwords from Microsoft accounts.”

パスワードを使つかわないログインには、数秒すうびょうごとにログインコードを生成せいせいする認証にんしょうアプリ「Authenticator」か、顔認証かおにんしょう指紋認証しもんにんしょう使つか「Windows Hello」を利用りようします

label.tran_page For login without a password, use the authentication application ”Authenticator” that generates a login code every few seconds, or ”Windows Hello” that uses face authentication and fingerprint authentication.
label.tran_page You can also purchase an external security key such as a USB memory that stores your login information, or use a method in which Microsoft sends an authorization code to the registered phone number.