無印良品むじるしりょうひん 紙製かみせいショッピングバッグ9がつから有料化ゆうりょうか
2022-08-13 11:02:02
Anonymous 22:08 14/08/2022
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無印良品むじるしりょうひん 紙製かみせいショッピングバッグ9がつから有料化ゆうりょうか
label.tran_page MUJI will charge for paper shopping bags from September


label.tran_page Ryohin Keikaku, which develops MUJI, has announced that the paper bags distributed free of charge when shopping will be sold for 10 yen each from the 1st of next month.

label.tran_page  Mujirushi abolished the use of plastic shopping bags in March 2018 in order to reduce plastic waste, but in consideration of customer convenience, we continued to distribute paper bags while encouraging the use of their own bags.

label.tran_page  Last year, more than 77% of customers did not receive the free paper bags at checkout, so we would like to further reduce the amount used by charging.

label.tran_page Uniqlo and H&M have already introduced charging for paper bags, and initiatives are spreading.