かぎくるまなか ドアがかなくてども熱中症ねっちゅうしょうなる危険きけん
2022-08-16 12:00:00
Anonymous 15:08 16/08/2022
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かぎくるまなか ドアがかなくてども熱中症ねっちゅうしょうなる危険きけん
label.tran_page Keys in the car, locked doors put children at risk of heatstroke


label.tran_page Leaving keys in the car when you get out may result in the doors being unable to open.
label.tran_page In August of last year there were 63 cases where JAF had to resue children who were left in the car and unable to escape.
label.tran_page In some cases, door windows were broken for the sake of urgency.
label.tran_page JAF heard some people say that: “The children had the keys and accidentally pressed the door lock button”.


label.tran_page In a JAF experiment, where the outside temperature was 32C and the sun was shining, the inside temperature of a car went above 40C within 20 minutes.
label.tran_page While in shaded areas like under a tree, the temperature went above 35C in 30 minutes.


label.tran_page According to an expert: “During summer the inside of a car can become dangerously hot in a short time.
label.tran_page Children can easily get a heatstroke so when you exit your car, definitely take your children with you.”