2024-07-23 16:00:23
Anonymous 23:07 23/07/2024
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label.tran_page Massive demonstrations in Mallorca, protests against overtourism across Spain


label.tran_page On the 21st, tens of thousands of residents and others took part in a large-scale demonstration on the Spanish island of Mallorca to protest against overtourism.
label.tran_page In Spain, there is growing opposition to the influx of tourists in various parts of the country.


label.tran_page In Palma de Mallorca on the southern island of Mallorca, demonstrators demanded a limit on the number of tourists and marched through the city carrying banners that read ``Your heaven is our nightmare’’ and ``Stop cruises.’’ did


label.tran_page According to organizers, the demonstration started at around 7pm local time on the 21st and approximately 50,000 people participated.
label.tran_page Meanwhile, the Spanish Broadcasting Corporation (RTVE) reported that according to police figures, the number of participants was around 12,000.


label.tran_page Demonstrators claim that the current state of tourism in Mallorca ”impoverishes the workers and enriches only a few.”
label.tran_page They are calling for improvements in such practices, ``provision of decent housing,’’ ``improvement of public services,’’ and ``preservation and restoration of the natural environment.’’


label.tran_page According to Spain’s National Statistics Office, 14.4 million tourists visited the Balearic Islands, which are made up of Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, last year.


label.tran_page Earlier this month, residents in Barcelona staged a protest by dousing tourists with water and marching through the city chanting ”tourists go home!”


label.tran_page The Balearic Islands introduced new regulations banning street drinking in major tourist destinations in Ibiza and Mallorca from May.


label.tran_page In April, local residents in the Spanish Canary Islands called for a hunger strike in protest, saying overtourism was leading to rising prices and environmental destruction.