ソフトバンク 携帯電話けいたいでんわなど通信障害つうしんしょうがい復旧ふっきゅう 全国ぜんこく正午過しょうごすぎから発生はっせい
2024-07-23 16:00:23
Anonymous 00:07 24/07/2024
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ソフトバンク 携帯電話けいたいでんわなど通信障害つうしんしょうがい復旧ふっきゅう 全国ぜんこく正午過しょうごすぎから発生はっせい
label.tran_page SoftBank mobile phones and other communication failures have been restored, occurring after noon nationwide


label.tran_page SoftBank has announced that the mobile phone and other communication outages that occurred nationwide after noon on the 23rd have been resolved.

label.tran_page According to SoftBank, voice calls on mobile phone services continued to be unavailable or difficult to use from after noon across the country, but were restored around 1:30 p.m.

label.tran_page The scale and cause of the failure are currently under investigation.