パリ五輪関係者ごりんかんけいしゃ身元調査みもとちょうさ4500にん除外じょがい 1000にん妨害ぼうがい・スパイ行為こういうたが
2024-07-26 16:00:29
Anonymous 22:07 26/07/2024
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パリ五輪関係者ごりんかんけいしゃ身元調査みもとちょうさ4500にん除外じょがい 1000にん妨害ぼうがい・スパイ行為こういうたが
label.tran_page Background checks on Paris Olympics officials, 4,500 excluded, 1,000 suspected of obstruction/espionage


label.tran_page According to the French Ministry of the Interior, they conducted background checks on approximately 1 million people, including staff and officials of the Paris Olympics, and found problems with approximately 4,500 people and excluded them.

label.tran_page The targets of the investigation were not only athletes and coaches, but also volunteers and private security guard applicants, and approximately 1,000 of them were suspected of sabotage or espionage.

label.tran_page Approximately 80,000 French soldiers and police officers will be on duty to provide security for the opening ceremony, which begins at 2:30 a.m. on the 27th, Japan time.