2024-07-26 16:00:29
Anonymous 01:07 28/07/2024
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label.tran_page Open AI announces new search system “Search GPT”


label.tran_page Open AI, the American company behind “Chat GPT,” has announced a new search service “Search GPT” that utilizes generated AI.

label.tran_page With ”Search GPT,” when a user searches for the information they want to know, AI will summarize the information on the Internet and provide an answer.

label.tran_page Additionally, the link to the source of the information is displayed, allowing users to view the original site.

label.tran_page You can also ask additional questions just like having a conversation with a person, and it is expected to be integrated with chat GPT in the future.

label.tran_page Google, which boasts an overwhelming share of the Internet search market, has started a similar service, but Open AI hopes to retain users by leveraging the technology it has cultivated through the development of generative AI.