WTO、次期事務局長じきじむきょくちょう女性じょせい初選出はつせんしゅつ ナイジェリア元財務相もとざいむしょう
2021-02-22 15:05:09Z
Anonymous 15:02 24/02/2021
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WTO、次期事務局長じきじむきょくちょう女性じょせい初選出はつせんしゅつ ナイジェリア元財務相もとざいむしょう
label.tran_page WTO elects first female executive secretary, former finance minister of Nigeria


label.tran_page The World Trade Organization (WTO) elected Ngozi Okonjoi Wara as the next Executive Secretary on the 15th
label.tran_page It’s the first time for a woman to be at the top of the WTO and for someone from Africa.


label.tran_page Prior to the election of Mr. Okonjoi Wara, South Korea’s Yoo Myung-hee, the head of trade negotiations, who remained as a finalist, announced that he would withdraw from the election campaign.
label.tran_page Mr. Okonjoi Wara will take office on March 1, and his term will be until August 2025.


label.tran_page Economist and Nigerian Treasury Minister Okonjoi Wara has gained widespread support from the European Union, China, Japan and Australia.
label.tran_page The United States revealed Yu’s support during the former Trump administration