緊急事態宣言きんきゅうじたいせんげん 大阪府おおさかふなど6つのけんは2がつ28にちまで
2021-02-26 18:40:00
Anonymous 20:02 28/02/2021
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緊急事態宣言きんきゅうじたいせんげん 大阪府おおさかふなど6つのけんは2がつ28にちまで
label.tran_page State of emergency in 6 prefectures, including Osaka prefecture until February 28


label.tran_page Ten cities, prefectures, including Tokyo metropolitan and Osaka prefecture, have declared a new coronavirus state of emergency until March 7.
label.tran_page Among them, the governors of Osaka, Aichi, Fukuoka, etc. requested that the declaration be stopped in February because the number of people who are infected with the virus and who are hospitalized has decreased.


label.tran_page The government held a meeting on the 26th to consult with experts on viral diseases.
label.tran_page As a result, the government decided to stop declaration in Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Aichi, Gifu, and Fukuoka prefectures on February 28th.


label.tran_page However, in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefectures, the number of people who are infected with the virus is not decreasing.
label.tran_page The government wants you to work at home and avoid going out as much as possible so that you can stop the declaration on March 7.