サウジ記者殺害きしゃさつがい皇太子こうたいし作戦さくせん承認しょうにん」 米国べいこく認定にんてい
2021-02-28 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 06:02 28/02/2021
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サウジ記者殺害きしゃさつがい皇太子こうたいし作戦さくせん承認しょうにん」 米国べいこく認定にんてい
label.tran_page US certifies: Saudi reporter murder ”Prince approved operation”


label.tran_page The U.S. Biden administration has confirmed the involvement of Crown Prince Muhammad of Saudi Arabia in the murder of a reporter who was critical of the Saudi government at the Saudi Arabian Consulate General in Turkey in 2018.

label.tran_page The U.S. Director of National Intelligence published a report on the 26th of this month saying that Jamal Khashoggi was murdered by ”Prince Muhammad approved the operation” and ”The Crown Prince recognized Khashoggi as a threat to the kingdom.”

label.tran_page In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia issued a statement stating, ”It is regrettable that such a report and inaccurate and unreasonable conclusions were drawn.”