節分前せつぶんまえに…「まめ注意ちゅうい」 ごえん死亡事故しぼうじこ
2021-01-26 07:10:03Z
Anonymous 03:01 27/01/2021
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節分前せつぶんまえに…「まめ注意ちゅうい」 ごえん死亡事故しぼうじこ
label.tran_page Before Setsubun ... ”Caution for swallowing beans” Aspiration caused death


label.tran_page According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, 80 children under the age of 14 died due to accidentally swallowing food in 6 years.

label.tran_page In particular, if a child under the age of 5 swallows hard foods such as Setsubun beans and nuts without being sufficiently chewed, there is a risk of choking and damaging the bronchi and lungs.

label.tran_page The Consumer Affairs Agency warns children under the age of 5 not to eat these foods, and if they accidentally swallow them, they want them to take emergency measures such as turning their heads down and tapping their backs to spit them out.
