「Go Toトラベル」でウイルスがひろがった可能性かのうせい
2021-01-26 12:00:00
Anonymous 11:01 26/01/2021
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「Go Toトラベル」でウイルスがひろがった可能性かのうせい
label.tran_page The virus may have spread in ”Go To Travel”


label.tran_page A group of Professor Hiroshi Nishiura of Kyoto University investigated about 4000 people who had a new coronavirus from May to August last year.
label.tran_page About 20% of these were people who were related to travel, such as those who went on a trip.

政府せいふ去年きょねんがつ22にち旅行りょこうかね一部いちぶくに「Go Toトラベル」をはじめました

label.tran_page On July 22, last year, the government launched ”Go To Travel,” in which the government gives out part of the travel money.
「Go Toトラベル」がはじまってからいつかあいだに、旅行りょこう関係かんけいある127にんに、ウイルスがうつっていました
label.tran_page In the five days since ”Go To Travel” began, 127 people related to travel were infected with the virus.
label.tran_page It was 1.44 times more than the previous week
label.tran_page Compared to those who went on a sightseeing trip alone, it was 2.62 times that of the previous week.

グループは「『Go Toトラベル』ははじまったころ、ウイルスひろがったことと『Go Toトラベル』が関係かんけいがあった可能性かのうせいがあります

label.tran_page The group said, ”When’Go To Travel’started, the spread of the virus may have been related to’Go To Travel’.
label.tran_page I need to find out more from now on. ”