タイタニック船首せんしゅすり崩落ほうらくわりてた姿すがたに 女神像めがみぞう発見はっけん
2024-09-04 07:10:03
xin liu 03:09 04/09/2024
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タイタニック船首せんしゅすり崩落ほうらくわりてた姿すがたに 女神像めがみぞう発見はっけん
label.tran_page Titanic’s bow rail collapses, completely transformed; statue of goddess discovered


label.tran_page New images of the luxury liner Titanic sunk to the bottom of the ocean have been released.
label.tran_page The bow part of the wreckage had completely changed from what we were used to seeing.


label.tran_page The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic in 1912.
label.tran_page The exploration was carried out in July by the U.S. company RMS Titanic, which has the recovery rights to the ship.


label.tran_page As a result, it was discovered that a section of the handrail at the front of the upper deck, which had once remained intact, had collapsed and fallen to the ocean floor directly below.


label.tran_page The company will spend the coming weeks and months taking a closer look at Titanic’s condition and how it has changed over time.
label.tran_page ”The collapse of the Titanic is inevitable.
label.tran_page But we need to preserve and record as much as we can before it’s too late.”


label.tran_page This is the company’s ninth exploration of the Titanic since it first visited the site in 1987.
label.tran_page To aid in conservation efforts, experts in marine photography, oceanography, and history collaborated to take images to confirm the condition of the ship, artifacts, and dangerous areas.


label.tran_page After taking more than 2 million photos and searching for a huge number of artifacts, some surprising discoveries were made.


label.tran_page What was discovered on the final day was a bronze statue of Diana, the Roman goddess of nature and hunting.
label.tran_page Height is approximately 60cm
label.tran_page The statue that hung on the fireplace mantel in the Titanic’s first-class lounge was thrown into the wreckage when the ship sank and the lounge was torn apart.


label.tran_page A photo of the statue was taken during an expedition in 1986, but it was not known where it was until the latest expedition.


label.tran_page The company said of the Diana statue, ”It still lies upright amidst miles of debris.
label.tran_page Like eternal Roman gods, timeless and rediscovered thanks to exploration in 2024.”


label.tran_page The remains of the Titanic are slowly disappearing due to corrosion.