Japanese newspaper
アイスランド噴火ふんか沈静化ちんせいか 上空じょうくうから視察しさつ科学者かがくしゃ見解けんかい
2023-12-24 21:13:09
Anonymous 21:12 24/12/2023
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アイスランド噴火ふんか沈静化ちんせいか 上空じょうくうから視察しさつ科学者かがくしゃ見解けんかい
label.tran_page Iceland eruption calms down, scientists observing from above say


label.tran_page Researchers from Iceland, who inspected the volcano, which erupted on the 18th, on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland from above, expressed their opinion that the eruption was beginning to calm down on the 21st.
label.tran_page Reuters reported.
label.tran_page The paralysis of European aviation networks that occurred when another volcano erupted in 2010 appears to have been avoided.


label.tran_page Approximately 4,000 residents of Grindavik, a fishing town near the volcano, had been living as evacuees, but their temporary return home was permitted on the 21st.
label.tran_page Meanwhile, Icelandic authorities issued a statement on the same day saying that the lava flow appears to have decreased, but it is premature to declare it over.