台湾たいわん 兵役義務へいえきぎむ4げつから1ねん延長えんちょうへ 「中国ちゅうごく軍事的脅威ぐんじてききょうい対抗たいこう
2022-12-30 15:30:02
lolachicheportiche01 01:12 31/12/2022
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台湾たいわん 兵役義務へいえきぎむ4げつから1ねん延長えんちょうへ 「中国ちゅうごく軍事的脅威ぐんじてききょうい対抗たいこう
label.tran_page Taiwan to extend mandatory military service from 4 months to 1 year ”to counter China’s military threat”


label.tran_page Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen announced a policy to extend mandatory military service from 4 months to 1 year
label.tran_page It explains that it is ”to counter the military threat of China”.

label.tran_page President Tsai Ing-wen held a security conference on the 27th and announced that the mandatory military training period for men over the age of 18 would be extended from four months to one year.
label.tran_page It is a policy to apply from 2024

label.tran_page At a press conference, President Tsai emphasized that ”we must strengthen our self-defense capabilities to counter the threat of China, which is increasing its military pressure.”

label.tran_page In Taiwan, conscription has been in force for over two years since 1949, but as relations with China stabilized, the period was shortened to four months in 2018.