銀行強盗ぎんこうごうとう発生件数はっせいけんすう昨年さくねんゼロ記録きろく デンマーク
2023-01-07 11:02:03
Anonymous 20:01 07/01/2023
4 0
Anonymous 07:01 08/01/2023
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銀行強盗ぎんこうごうとう発生件数はっせいけんすう昨年さくねんゼロ記録きろく デンマーク
label.tran_page Number of bank robberies recorded zero last year Denmark


label.tran_page The number of bank robberies in Denmark, northern Europe, recorded zero last year, it was found by the 5th


label.tran_page Strengthening security measures and declining use of cash are behind this
label.tran_page According to finance industry organization Finance Denmark, there will be one bank robbery in 2021.


label.tran_page Since 2000, there has been a consistent decline in bank push-ins in the country.
label.tran_page In the same year, there were a total of 221 incidents, with one incident occurring almost every business day.
label.tran_page According to the organization’s executives, it was also the result of strengthening surveillance with cameras, improving the alarm system, and expanding cooperation with the police.