中国ちゅうごく 火葬場かそうじょうかう行列ぎょうれつにトレーラー突入とつにゅう 19人死亡にんしぼう
2023-01-09 11:02:03
Andrew Kwan 20:03 18/03/2023
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中国ちゅうごく 火葬場かそうじょうかう行列ぎょうれつにトレーラー突入とつにゅう 19人死亡にんしぼう
label.tran_page 19 dead as trailer rushes into procession to crematorium in China


label.tran_page In China, 19 people were killed and 20 injured when a trailer crashed into a procession heading to a crematorium.

label.tran_page ”This is a video that appears to be the scene of the accident.”
label.tran_page Things are scattered around, and a loud siren is ringing.

label.tran_page In Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, a trailer crashed into a procession carrying a coffin to a crematorium after a funeral.

 地元警察じもとけいさつによりますと、これまでに19にん死亡しぼう確認かくにんされ、20 にんがけがをしたということです
label.tran_page According to the local police, 19 people have been confirmed dead and 20 injured.

label.tran_page Local media reported that there was a thick fog around the scene at the time.

label.tran_page In China, deaths were occurring one after another in various places, and there were queues at cremation grounds.