ソニー中国ちゅうごく SNSの発信はっしん禁止きんしに 朝鮮戦争ちょうせんせんそう英雄えいゆう侮辱ぶじょく
2023-01-09 11:02:03
Anonymous 07:01 10/01/2023
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ソニー中国ちゅうごく SNSの発信はっしん禁止きんしに 朝鮮戦争ちょうせんせんそう英雄えいゆう侮辱ぶじょく
label.tran_page Sony China banning posting on SNS Insulting Korean War hero


label.tran_page Sony’s Chinese subsidiary was banned from posting on Chinese SNS
label.tran_page Chinese media say it’s because they insulted a Korean War hero.

label.tran_page According to Sony China, they were contacted by the Chinese SNS Weibo on the 4th, and after that they were unable to post on the official Weibo.

label.tran_page According to the People’s Daily, a media affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, the problem was Sony China’s Weibo on October 12 last year.
label.tran_page A photo of a black dog in the center of a cluster of flowers has been posted along with one of Mao Zedong’s poems.

label.tran_page  This day was the anniversary of the hero who died in the Korean War, and the hero’s appearance and the composition of the photo were similar, and it was criticized on the Internet for ”implicitly insulting the hero”.

label.tran_page Sony China has already deleted the post and said it would ”confirm the facts and respond.”