20さい3割弱わりじゃく政治せいじ期待きたいできない」 少子化対策しょうしかたいさく関心かんしん
2023-01-11 11:02:08
2018pcmail 15:01 12/01/2023
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20さい3割弱わりじゃく政治せいじ期待きたいできない」 少子化対策しょうしかたいさく関心かんしん
label.tran_page Less than 30% of 20-year-olds say they can’t expect anything from politics.


label.tran_page A survey of 20-year-old young people asking about Japanese politics has been published, and nearly 30% of the respondents answered that they cannot expect it, the highest level in the last 10 years.

label.tran_page As a result of a survey of 500 people who will turn 20 years old in 2022 by the research company Macromill, the number of people who answered that they can expect or somewhat expect from Japanese politics is 18.4, a decrease of 5.6 points from last year. %was

label.tran_page On the other hand, 27.6% of respondents said they ”cannot expect”, an increase of 7.2 points, the highest since the survey began in 2013.

label.tran_page In terms of news they are interested in, the first place is ”countermeasures against the declining birthrate”, followed by ”economic and financial policy” in second place.

label.tran_page Also, when asked who the ”ideal adult” is, 45.8% of mothers answered only 32.1% of fathers.