国連機関こくれんきかん 国際的こくさいてき結果けっか 今世紀半こんせいきはんばに「オゾンそう回復かいふく
2023-01-12 11:02:08
Anonymous 18:01 12/01/2023
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国連機関こくれんきかん 国際的こくさいてき結果けっか 今世紀半こんせいきはんばに「オゾンそう回復かいふく
label.tran_page United Nations Organization Result of International Efforts ”Ozone Layer Recovery” in Mid-Century


label.tran_page  It was found that the ”ozone hole” in the earth’s ozone layer is expected to recover in the middle of this century as a result of international efforts.

label.tran_page The World Meteorological Organization announced on the 9th that ”if current policies are maintained, the ozone layer will recover in the Antarctic around 2066 and in the Arctic by around 2045”.

label.tran_page The ”ozone hole” in the ozone layer was confirmed in 1985, and in 1989, the production and consumption of substances that deplete the ozone layer, such as CFCs, were regulated with the effectuation of the Montreal Protocol.

label.tran_page There was concern about the damage caused by harmful UV rays falling on the earth’s surface from the ozone hole, but due to regulations, improvements have been confirmed in Antarctica since 2000.

label.tran_page The United Nations also commented, ”If the international community unites, it will have a positive effect, and this success will set a strong precedent for tackling global warming.”
