システム障害しょうがいで…アメリカ国内線こくないせん 全便ぜんびんが“一時離陸停止いちじりりくていし”「サイバー攻撃こうげき証拠しょうこない」
2023-01-14 11:02:02
Anonymous 16:01 14/01/2023
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システム障害しょうがいで…アメリカ国内線こくないせん 全便ぜんびんが“一時離陸停止いちじりりくていし”「サイバー攻撃こうげき証拠しょうこない」
label.tran_page Due to a system malfunction… all American domestic flights “temporarily ban takeoff”; “no evidence of a cyber attack”


label.tran_page On the night of the 11th Japan time, the FAA (American Federal Aviation Administration) system used to convey safety information to pilots before a flight malfunctioned, causing all aircraft takeoffs to be temporarily banned.

label.tran_page Because of this, across the US more than 8300 flights were delayed and more than 1200 cancelled.

label.tran_page Many passengers were stranded and confused at the airport.

label.tran_page The White House gave the following explanation.

label.tran_page White House: “at this time there is no evidence of a cyber attack.” The FAA restored the system by the middle of the night on the 11th Japan time and announced that they had resumed takeoff clearance.