物価ぶっかかなりがった」52.7%が実感じっかん 14ねんぶりの高水準こうすいじゅん
2023-01-14 11:02:02
Habib Al-Aziz 10:01 16/01/2023
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物価ぶっかかなりがった」52.7%が実感じっかん 14ねんぶりの高水準こうすいじゅん
label.tran_page 52.7% of respondents feel that prices have risen significantly, reaching the highest level in 14 years


label.tran_page The number of people who feel that prices have ”raised considerably” compared to a year ago has reached a high level for the first time in 14 years.

label.tran_page  According to a survey on lifestyle attitudes conducted by the Bank of Japan every three months, 52.7% of people answered that prices ”have risen considerably” compared to a year ago.

label.tran_page It increased by 6.3 points from the previous survey, exceeding 50% for the first time in 14 years since September 2008.

label.tran_page 94.3% of respondents feel that prices have risen

label.tran_page In addition, 53% of the respondents answered that they were ”lack of leeway” in their current lifestyle, the highest level in about 13 years.

label.tran_page  The reason for this is that 88.4%, which is the highest since September 2006 when comparisons are available, said that prices have risen.

label.tran_page More than 80% expect that prices will ”rise” one year from now, and nearly 70% of future spending will place particular emphasis on ”price trends.”