試合中しあいちゅう心停止しんていしのNFL選手せんしゅ退院たいいん 1週間以上しゅうかんいじょう入院経にゅういんへ
2023-01-14 11:02:02
Anonymous 07:01 14/01/2023
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試合中しあいちゅう心停止しんていしのNFL選手せんしゅ退院たいいん 1週間以上しゅうかんいじょう入院経にゅういんへ
label.tran_page NFL player with cardiac arrest during a game discharged after hospitalization for more than a week


label.tran_page Bills safety Dumar Hamlin, 24, who was in critical condition after suffering cardiac arrest during an NFL game, has been hospitalized for more than a week before being released to a medical center in his hometown of Buffalo, New York. discharged from the hospital
label.tran_page The team announced on Nov.

label.tran_page Hospital officials said Hamlin was showing signs of rapid recovery ahead of his discharge.

label.tran_page Hamlin collapsed shortly after being tackled against the Bengals on the night of the 2nd in Cincinnati.
label.tran_page Although he received first aid on the field and was immediately taken to the hospital, he was in critical condition.
label.tran_page Initially admitted to a hospital in Cincinnati, he was transferred to Buffalo General Medical Center on the 9th.
label.tran_page Doctors have determined that he has recovered from his critical condition and can be transported.

label.tran_page Physicians at the center tried to determine the cause of Hamlin’s cardiac arrest, including whether he had any pre-existing medical conditions.
label.tran_page The hospital group that the center also joins revealed before discharge