2022年の二酸化炭素排出量は過去最多 地球の平均表面温度5番目に高く NASAなど分析

Carbon dioxide emissions in 2022 will be the highest on record Earth’s average surface temperature is the fifth highest NASA and other analysis

Carbon dioxide emissions in 2022 will be the highest on record Earth’s average surface temperature is the fifth highest NASA and other analysis

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) revealed an analysis that last year’s carbon dioxide emissions were the highest ever

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) revealed an analysis that last year’s carbon dioxide emissions were the highest ever

NASA and others have revealed that carbon dioxide emissions in 2022 will reach a record high

NASA and others have revealed that carbon dioxide emissions in 2022 will reach a record high

It is believed that this is due to factors such as an increase in emissions, which had been declining, due to the recovery of economic activity, and an increase in coal consumption due to the energy crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

It is believed that this is due to factors such as an increase in emissions, which had been declining, due to the recovery of economic activity, and an increase in coal consumption due to the energy crisis following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In addition, the average surface temperature of the earth in 2022 will be the same as in 2015, the fifth highest level on record.

In addition, the average surface temperature of the earth in 2022 will be the same as in 2015, the fifth highest level on record.

The global temperature is 0.89 degrees higher than the 30-year average from 1951, and the warming trend continues.

The global temperature is 0.89 degrees higher than the 30-year average from 1951, and the warming trend continues.

He warned last year that climate change brought natural disasters such as drought in the United States and heavy rains in Pakistan.

He warned last year that climate change brought natural disasters such as drought in the United States and heavy rains in Pakistan.