Japanese newspaper
べい オバマぜん大統領だいとうりょう デモ投票とうひょう変革へんかく実現じつげん黒人こくじん男性だんせい死亡しぼう事件じけん
6/4/2020 11:31:32 AM +09:00
Automatic translation 02:06 05/06/2020
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べい オバマぜん大統領だいとうりょう デモ投票とうひょう変革へんかく実現じつげん黒人こくじん男性だんせい死亡しぼう事件じけん
label.tran_page Former US President Obama Demonstrates and Votes to Realize Change Black Man Death
label.tran_page Following the death of a black man in the United States over a white policeman, President Obama voted not only for protests but also for elections, and through politics, he realized “change” and solved the problem. I called to go