バンジーのつなれて落下らっか観光客かんこうきゃく男性負傷だんせいふしょう タイ
2023-03-26 07:10:03
K Hung 07:03 26/03/2023
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バンジーのつなれて落下らっか観光客かんこうきゃく男性負傷だんせいふしょう タイ
label.tran_page Bungee rope snapped and fell, tourist man injured Thailand


label.tran_page At a theme park in Pattaya, eastern Thailand, a bungee jump rope snapped and a man fell into the water.
label.tran_page The man survived by swimming on his own despite being bruised.


label.tran_page A 39-year-old tourist from Hong Kong tried bungee jumping from a height of 10 stories in January this year.
label.tran_page However, just before reaching the surface, the rope broke and he fell into the water.


label.tran_page A man who responded to CNN’s interview said, ”I fell on the left side, so the injury on that side was bad,” he said.


label.tran_page The man said he visited the park to try his hand at shooting, and that a friend encouraged him to bungee jump.
label.tran_page ”I closed my eyes because it was really high
label.tran_page I was going to open my eyes when it bounced back.” ”When I opened my eyes, the rope broke and I was surrounded by water.”