24時間じかんオペレーターが対応たいおう ロボットとおしてひと会話かいわ
2023-03-28 07:10:06
Howard Lin 02:03 28/03/2023
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24時間じかんオペレーターが対応たいおう ロボットとおしてひと会話かいわ
label.tran_page 24-hour operator support Conversation with people through robots


label.tran_page A service will start that allows elderly people living alone to talk to an operator at any time through a robot


label.tran_page Security company SECOM and IT company DeNA have developed a service that allows 24-hour conversations through robots.


label.tran_page When the user speaks, the operator creates a sentence that matches the content, and the robot converts it into voice and answers


label.tran_page According to data, half of the elderly who live alone only talk once every two or three days, and they want to reduce the risk of cognitive and physical function decline by reducing loneliness.


label.tran_page By using the app, family members who live far away can listen to conversations and check the content.