トランプ前大統領ぜんだいとうりょう ツイッター凍結解除とうけつかいじょもとめて仮処分申請かりしょぶんしんせい
2021-10-04 07:10:09
Shwin Han 07:10 04/10/2021
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トランプ前大統領ぜんだいとうりょう ツイッター凍結解除とうけつかいじょもとめて仮処分申請かりしょぶんしんせい
label.tran_page Previous Presidential Twitter for Temporary Procedure


label.tran_page President of American Trump President of his own Twitter account permanent stops and appended for temporary disposal to court

label.tran_page Twitter has been permanently stopped as the risk of violence further in the January of the Congress attack of the President of the Trump.

label.tran_page According to the AP communication, the playing cards claimed that this is a censorship act against the constitution that guarantees the freedom of expression,

label.tran_page Mr. Trump is a lawsuit that uses three of Twitter Facebook Google, which frozen the account, and seeks for freeze cancellation.