Apple、半導体不足はんどうたいぶそくでiPhone 13生産目標せいさんもくひょう大幅引おおはばひげ 2021ねん最大さいだい1000万台まんだい
2021-10-14 07:10:09
老張James 15:10 14/10/2021
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Apple、半導体不足はんどうたいぶそくでiPhone 13生産目標せいさんもくひょう大幅引おおはばひげ 2021ねん最大さいだい1000万台まんだい
label.tran_page Apple significantly lowers iPhone 13 production target due to lack of semiconductors; up to 10 million units in 2021

情報筋じょうほうすじによれば、Appleは半導体不足はんどうたいぶそく影響えいきょうにより2021ねんのiPhone 13生産目標せいさんもくひょう最大さいだい1000万台引まんだいひげる見通みとおだと、Bloombergがつたえました

label.tran_page Bloomberg reports that Apple is expected to reduce its 2021 iPhone 13 production target by up to 10 million units due to a shortage of semiconductors, sources said.

Appleは、2021ねん10がつ12がつ9000万台まんだい生産せいさん見込みこんでいたようですが、半導体はんどうたいメーカーのBroadcomとTexas Instrumentsが十分じゅうぶん部品供給ぶひんきょうきゅうできずにいるため、この数字すうじ下方修正かほうしゅうせいされる見通みとおだと、Appleは生産提携せいさんていけいさきつたえているようです

label.tran_page Apple seems to have expected to produce 90 million units from October to December 2021, but this number is expected to be revised downward as semiconductor makers Broadcom and Texas Instruments are not able to supply enough parts. It seems that Apple is telling its production partners


label.tran_page Major semiconductor manufacturers warn that tight supply and demand will continue until the end of 2022, and in some cases after that