900年前ねんまえ十字軍じゅうじぐんけん、スキューバダイバーが発見はっけん イスラエルおき
2021-10-20 11:02:15
Anonymous 19:10 20/10/2021
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900年前ねんまえ十字軍じゅうじぐんけん、スキューバダイバーが発見はっけん イスラエルおき
label.tran_page Discovered by a scuba diver, a sword of the Crusades 900 years ago, off the coast of Israel


label.tran_page The Israeli Archaeological Agency (IAA) announced on the 18th that scuba divers discovered a 900-year-old sword used by the Crusaders on the seabed off the northern coast of the country.
label.tran_page The length of the sword is about 91 cm, and the length of the sword is about 30 cm.

label.tran_page Discovery is on the 9th of this month
label.tran_page While a man was diving, he found a sword with stone and metal swords and pieces of pottery.

label.tran_page The man surfaced with the sword and submitted it to the IAA so that the sword would not be stolen or covered with sand again.

label.tran_page The head of the IAA Maritime Archeology Department told CNN on the 19th that the discovery point was 200 meters from the shore and 4 meters deep.

label.tran_page In addition to its size and shape, the sword was discovered just a few kilometers from the Crusader-era fortress, suggesting that it belongs to the Crusades.