2021-11-01 11:02:06
Anonymous 01:11 02/11/2021
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label.tran_page Gold hiking of autumn as Mountain Mountain


label.tran_page Gold Hiking is an event that enjoys hiking while touching the nature of the symbol Mihara of Izu Oshima, and many interest legs are participating every year

label.tran_page Today`s Mihara is blessed with fine weather and is a great hiking day
label.tran_page Participants will leave the summit of Mountain Mahara, which is a starting point, and walk around 7 km of intense promenade

label.tran_page While the scenery of Mahara, such as lava and rising steam that flowed out of the crater with the eruption in 1986, the Mihara Shrine and the eruption mouth will be around 11:30 am, and around 11:30 am

label.tran_page Hot water boil and key chains have been presented to four of the 18 people who participated in hiking