3かいのワクチンの注射ちゅうしゃ 病院びょういんはたらひとからはじまる
2021-12-01 16:30:00
Tikarasu Takarasu 04:12 02/12/2021
4 2
Paolo Dela Rosa 23:12 05/12/2021
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3かいのワクチンの注射ちゅうしゃ 病院びょういんはたらひとからはじまる
label.tran_page Third vaccination injection, starting with a person working in a hospital


label.tran_page From December 1st, the third injection of the new coronavirus vaccine began for hospital workers.


label.tran_page At a hospital in Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 18 doctors and nurses received injections from around 9 am
label.tran_page The nurse said, ”Because more people are going out, I think vaccines are important in case the virus spreads again.”


label.tran_page In December, hospital workers who are more than eight months old after the second injection will receive the injection.
label.tran_page In January next year, injections will begin for people working in hospitals as well as people over the age of 65.
label.tran_page Injections are scheduled to begin at companies and universities in March next year.


label.tran_page The ”inoculation ticket” required for the injection will be sent to your home by the city or town 8 months before the second injection.