がんのイルカを高度治療こうどちりょう 数人すうにんがかりでCTスキャンも
2021-12-20 11:02:06
Anonymous 20:12 21/12/2021
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がんのイルカを高度治療こうどちりょう 数人すうにんがかりでCTスキャンも
label.tran_page A number of people who are investigating cancer in dolphins do ctscans.


label.tran_page A number of medical staff gather at an American aquarium.dolphins with cancer were treated.

label.tran_page Lucky the dolphin, 47 years old, is surrounded by many medical staff and enters a CT (Computed Tomography) scanner for examination.

label.tran_page While supporting Lucky, who weighs about 227 kg, with a few people, a large cotton swab freezes the ”cancer” in the back of the mouth.

label.tran_page Lucky was taken from a Florida facility to an aquarium on the outskirts of Chicago for advanced treatment in September of this year for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma in the back of the mouth.

label.tran_page The veterinarian who treated him said he was lucky and said, ”he will continue to spray for years to come,” and i have looked forward to this treatment being done for him.