Japanese newspaper
イトーヨーカドーも 小売各社こうりかくしゃ牛乳消費ぎゅうにゅうしょうひ応援おうえん
2021-12-25 11:02:02
Anonymous 09:01 02/01/2022
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イトーヨーカドーも 小売各社こうりかくしゃ牛乳消費ぎゅうにゅうしょうひ応援おうえん
label.tran_page Ito-Yokado retailers support milk consumption


label.tran_page Amid the growing movement to encourage consumption to prevent the mass disposal of milk during the year-end and New Year holidays, major supermarkets will start efforts to have them purchased together with other products.

label.tran_page From the 25th of this month, Ito-Yokado will make it possible to check recipes using milk at the store, and will start a set discount of 30 yen discount if you buy the household dessert ”Fruche” with the specified milk.

label.tran_page Since the demand for eating out and the consumption for school lunches have decreased and there is a possibility of mass disposal during the year-end and New Year holidays, Prime Minister Kishida is making an unusual call to ”drink a lot of milk”.
label.tran_page In response to this situation, Lawson and FamilyMart are also promoting milk consumption by discounting some products from the end of the year.