700kgちょう日本一大にっぽんいちおおきい”鏡餅かがみもち フォークリフトで奉納ほうのう
2021-12-30 15:30:02
Anonymous 23:07 25/07/2022
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700kgちょう日本一大にっぽんいちおおきい”鏡餅かがみもち フォークリフトで奉納ほうのう
label.tran_page Over 700kgs Japan’s largest kagami mochi . Presented via forklift.


label.tran_page At a weight of over 700kg this kagami mochi was completed by the Shinto priests and shrine parishioners, in total 30 members in two days.

label.tran_page It will be dedicated until the 20th of next month to pray for this year’s gratitude and a good harvest for next year.

label.tran_page At the Setsubun festival on the third of February small pieces will be given out to the worshippers as lucky charms .