2022-01-13 11:02:05
Anonymous 11:01 13/01/2022
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label.tran_page World’s strongest passports, Japan and Singapore continue to lead


label.tran_page Japan and Singapore are still the leaders in the latest version of the ranking, which compares passports from around the world based on the number of countries / regions that can be entered without a visa.


label.tran_page The rankings have been updated from time to time by British consulting firm Henry & Partners based on data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an industry group, since 2006.


label.tran_page For passports from 199 countries around the world, check the destinations you can enter without a visa or with an arrival visa system, and use that number as the score for each country.


label.tran_page Japan and Singapore remain the top at 192 in terms of scores that do not take into account temporary travel restrictions.
label.tran_page At the bottom is Afghanistan, with only 26 countries entering without prior visa application.


label.tran_page Second place is Korea and Germany with a score of 190, and third place is Finland, Italy, Luxembourg and Spain with a score of 189.


label.tran_page European Union (EU) countries lined up at the top as before
label.tran_page France, the Netherlands, Sweden and Austria, Denmark are in 4th place with 188, Ireland and Portugal are in 5th place with 187.