Jミルク 生乳せいにゅうの“大量廃棄たいりょうはいき”を回避かいひ 廃棄はいきふせごうと一般いっぱん消費増しょうひぞうで…
2022-01-14 11:02:06
Wy Cheese 22:01 14/01/2022
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Jミルク 生乳せいにゅうの“大量廃棄たいりょうはいき”を回避かいひ 廃棄はいきふせごうと一般いっぱん消費増しょうひぞうで…
label.tran_page Avoiding ”mass disposal” of J milk raw milk In order to prevent disposal, general consumption will increase ...


label.tran_page Regarding the concern that 5000 tons of raw milk, which is the raw material for milk and dairy products, would be discarded during the year-end and New Year holidays, J Milk made by dairy organizations announced that it was ”avoidable”.

label.tran_page Dairy farmers curtailed the shipment of raw milk, dairy manufacturers rushed to process dairy products, and general consumption to prevent disposal increased, so it seems that this could be avoided.

label.tran_page J Milk said, ”I think everyone’s power was a big factor.
label.tran_page I am deeply grateful. ”