パソコンにうそのメッセージ 「サポート詐欺さぎ」のうたが逮捕たいほ
2022-01-19 12:00:00
Anonymous 02:01 30/01/2022
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パソコンにうそのメッセージ 「サポート詐欺さぎ」のうたが逮捕たいほ
label.tran_page A false message on a computer arrested on suspicion of ”support fraud”


label.tran_page Three people, including a Filipino president and daughter living in Chiba prefecture, were arrested on suspicion of fraud.
警察けいさつは、3にんが2019ねん東京とうきょう女性じょせいパソコンにうそのメッセージして、女性じょせいだまして やく3まんえんったとかんがえています
label.tran_page Police believe that in 2019, the three sent a lie message to a woman’s computer living in Tokyo, tricking the woman into taking about 30,000 yen.


label.tran_page The message said, ”I got a virus” or ”Call me within 5 minutes.”
label.tran_page And I think I got the money by having a woman call me and telling a lie to fix my computer.
label.tran_page Police believe the three have been fraudulent in more than 400 cases and are associated with foreign groups.
label.tran_page It seems that three people are saying they are not doing it


label.tran_page Such scams are called ”support scams” and are increasingly being fooled by the elderly and others.
label.tran_page This is the first time the police have arrested


label.tran_page The police are asking you to restart your computer without paying for the message.