Japanese newspaper
映画えいが「ジョーカー」、公開初週こうかいはつしゅう興収こうしゅうは100億円おくえん 10がつ過去最高かこさいこう
2019-10-09 17:02:06Z
Stuart G Towns 11:12 14/12/2021
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映画えいが「ジョーカー」、公開初週こうかいはつしゅう興収こうしゅうは100億円おくえん 10がつ過去最高かこさいこう
label.tran_page The box office of the movie Joker in the first week of its release is 10 billion yen, the highest ever in October

ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 米人気べいにんきコミック「バットマン」をもとにした映画えいが「ジョーカー」の公開初週こうかいしょしゅう興行収入こうぎょうしゅうにゅうが、10月公開がつこうかい作品さくひんとしては過去最高かこさいこう記録きろくしたことが7までにかりました

label.tran_page New York (CNN Business) By the 7th, it was found that the box office revenue of the movie Joker based on the popular US comic Batman reached a record high for the work released in October.


label.tran_page The box office revenue in North America in the first week of the release is estimated to be 93.5 million dollars (about 10 billion yen)
label.tran_page Overtaken the $ 80 million that Sony Pictures` Venom launched in October last year, it hit a record high in the first week`s box office for works released in October.


label.tran_page Warner Bros.`s first week box office for this year`s work is the most expensive
label.tran_page It is also the highest level among R designated works.