2021-07-19 07:10:02Z
Anonymous 23:07 19/07/2021
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label.tran_page Lufthansa Germany to introduce gender-free language expressions for passengers

 ドイツ大手おおてのルフトハンザ航空こうくう同社どうしゃ運航便うんこうびん乗客じょうきゃくむかえるさいなどながらく使つかっていた「ladies and gentlemen」の言葉ことば廃止はいしし、性別せいべつがない表現方法ひょうげんほうほう導入どうにゅうするとこのほど発表はっぴょうしました

label.tran_page Lufthansa, a major German company, has recently announced that it will abolish the word ”lady and gentlemen” that has been used for a long time when welcoming passengers on flights operated by the company, and will introduce a genderless expression method.

label.tran_page Other airlines such as Japan Airlines and European low-cost carrier easyJet have already introduced this kind of response.

label.tran_page Lufthansa began using sexually neutral language in internal communications from early last month
label.tran_page It means that they are starting to adopt it in contract documents and documents.

 「Dear Sir or Madam」の言葉ことばきゃくせっすることをきんじてはいないともし客室乗務員きゃくしつじょうむいん現場げんばしょうじた状況じょうきょうなどまえながら正確せいかく言葉ことばづかいえらことが出来できともしました
label.tran_page It is not forbidden to interact with customers with the words ”Dear Sir or Madam”, and the flight attendants can choose the correct wording based on the situation that occurred at the site.