Four siblings, who were hiding alone in an apartment in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, escaped safely and arrived in the United States on the evening of the 29th.
Four siblings, who were hiding alone in an apartment in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, escaped safely and arrived in the United States on the evening of the 29th.
Mother Snita told CNN on the morning of the 28th, ”Children are safe now.”
Mother Snita told CNN on the morning of the 28th, ”Children are safe now.”
Husband, a U.S. military collaborator, went missing eight years ago
Husband, a U.S. military collaborator, went missing eight years ago
He moved to the United States in 2018 and was trying to get his children to travel, but the situation became even more tense as the Islamist Taliban conquered the capital.
He moved to the United States in 2018 and was trying to get his children to travel, but the situation became even more tense as the Islamist Taliban conquered the capital.
All four children are under 18 and the youngest is 7
All four children are under 18 and the youngest is 7
Sunita turned to the U.S. government and support groups for help with the help of Sarah Lowry, a lawyer for the U.S. Refugee Immigration Commission.
Sunita turned to the U.S. government and support groups for help with the help of Sarah Lowry, a lawyer for the U.S. Refugee Immigration Commission.
The four children who overcame the nightmares that continued in their home countries and arrived in the United States are now looking forward to seeing their mother again.
The four children who overcame the nightmares that continued in their home countries and arrived in the United States are now looking forward to seeing their mother again.