ナイジェリアで刑務所襲撃けいむしょしゅうげき受刑者じゅけいしゃ1800人以上にんいじょう脱走だっそう 大統領だいとうりょうは「テロ」と非難ひなん
2021-04-12 07:10:03Z
Bullmar 07:04 12/04/2021
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ナイジェリアで刑務所襲撃けいむしょしゅうげき受刑者じゅけいしゃ1800人以上にんいじょう脱走だっそう 大統領だいとうりょうは「テロ」と非難ひなん
label.tran_page 1800 prisoners have escaped during an attack on a prison in Nigeria, the President has blamed the attack on terrorists.


label.tran_page The prison, located in the southern state of Imo, was infiltrated by an armed militia, and following an explosion, more than 1800 detainees escaped.
label.tran_page President Buhari, who is currently visiting the UK, condemned the prison attack.

label.tran_page According to information released from the prison authorities, of the 1844 escapees, 6 have voluntarily returned.
label.tran_page Furthermore, 35 prisoners being detained during the attack had refused to flee.

label.tran_page According to a prison representative, the armed group commenced the attack from 2am on the fifth of April, and set off an explosion around the administration building, from which they then entered the premises.

label.tran_page President Buhari, who is currently under medical care in the UK, officially declared the attack an act of terrorism through government media channels.
label.tran_page State investigative agencies have released directives for the criminal group to be arrested and escapees to be restrained and detained.