Japanese newspaper
ミャンマー 大雨おおあめによる洪水こうずいなど226人死亡にんしぼう77行方不明にんゆくえふめい
2024-09-19 07:10:03
thokai01 04:09 22/09/2024
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ミャンマー 大雨おおあめによる洪水こうずいなど226人死亡にんしぼう77行方不明にんゆくえふめい
label.tran_page 226 people died due to floods due to heavy rains due to heavy rain, 77 missing


label.tran_page In Myanmar, it has been revealed that 226 dead have been killed by Typhoon No. 11.

label.tran_page The heavy rain caused by the tropical cyclone, which has changed from Typhoon No. 11, caused floods and landslides in Myanmar, including the capital city of Nepido, and the military government died by the military administration, killing 226 people and 77 people.It is unknown

label.tran_page OCHA (the United Nations Human Road Adjustment Office) estimates that about 630,000 flood victims will be about 630,000, while blocking communication and removal of roads has made it difficult to rescue activities.

label.tran_page In Myanmar, civil war in various places has continued in various places since the 2021 military coup, and this natural disaster may deteriorate.